Ophelia Spell Casting Magical Witch
13 ” tall x 3 1/2 wide x 3 1/2” deep
Original Forest Witch Fairy Sculpture
Materials: epoxy clay, found objects, acrylics, varnish, love & Magic!
Ophelia is greek for "help, aid or advantage". If Ophelia is on your side, then you have the advantage! She is a wicked wand weilder! She knows her spells and how to cast them. She holds her spell book open while casting her wand. Magical potion and a crystal hand on her belt. Around her feet are more spell books, a skull and her favorite Ouija board. Her raven sits perched on her hat. In her hair are woven beautiful beads. She is a one of a kind, sculpted from 2 part epoxy clay that chemically hardens like a rock! She is painted in many layers of acrylics, and sealed her with love and magic! I put a lot of time and love into her and I hope that you will love her as much as I do!
Thank you so much to everyone that supports my small business! I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my creative heart!