Minerva Woodland Forest Fairy Witch
13 ” tall x 4 wide x 4 1/2” deep
Original Forest Fairy Witch Sculpture
Materials: epoxy clay, found objects, acrylics, varnish, love & Magic!
Minerva-meaning- goddess of invention and wisdom. If you happen upon her in forest she will beckon you to join her in her cottage for dandelion tea and sugar lemon cookies. You enter the path to her cottage through her skirt where the branches part. She is a one of a kind, sculpted from 2 part epoxy clay that chemically hardens like a rock! She is painted in many layers of acrylics, and sealed her with love and magic! Her hair is a white mohair, and there are beads woven into her braids. She has hand sculpted mushrooms along her hat brim and the base of her skirt. There is also leaves, silk roses and moss. She has black glass buttons and a large rhinestone button at the top. I put a lot of time and love into her and I hope that you will love her as much as I do!
Thank you so much to everyone that supports my small business! I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my creative heart!